
The Affiliated Media Foundation Movement (AM/FM) is a grassroots effort committed to providing a vital platform for public radio news, tailored to the diverse needs of low and moderate-income working Americans. Our mission is to amplify the voices of those often unheard in mainstream media by covering a range of essential issues including immigrant and workers’ rights, health care reform, the foreclosure crisis, community development, environmental concerns, and public education.

As we continue our journey, AM/FM is dedicated to expanding our outreach. We’re actively working to secure construction permits for low-power FM radio stations across the nation, and this is where you come in. We are currently seeking suitable locations to install radio antennas in several cities, as we strive to enhance local voices and connect communities. These antennas, relatively small, will be expertly installed by our dedicated engineers early next year, making them seamlessly integrated community radio addition to your city.

By joining us in this endeavor, you can help ensure that the power of community-driven radio reaches new heights. Together, we can make a significant impact on the representation of diverse voices across the United States. Contact us at wade@kabf.org to learn more about obtaining our weekly programs and becoming part of the AM/FM movement.

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